My new book detailing the history of the stage musical The Tik-Tok Man of Oz was delayed in late April/early May because I ran across new research that was too good not to include. So I revised the book and added 32 new pages.
But good news, at last, All Wound Up is due for release at the end of this month.
All Wound Up: The Making of The Tik-Tok Man of Oz presents 440 full-color pages bursting with photos and images about the 1913 musical written by Oz-creator L. Frank Baum and composed by Broadway and Hollywood composer Louis F. Gottschalk.
I produced a revival of The Tik-Tok Man of Oz in 2014 at Winkie Con 50 in San Diego, CA. I wrote a long article for the convention program book on the history of the show. That article was the basis for the book, but I greatly expanded on the information I originally wrote (as well as correcting my mistakes). I've been working on the book intensively for the past several years, researching and collecting long-forgotten details of the show and the people involved in it.
The book offers a wealth of treasures, including these features:
- The first publication of L. Frank Baum's original script for the show, newly located
- The first publication of Baum's original scenario for the show, when it was titled The Rainbow's Daughter
- Hundreds of photos and images, showing scenes from The Tik-Tok Man of Oz, the actors and production team, posters, publicity photos, advertisements, and much more
- Capsule biographies of all the principal actors and many of the chorus members--along with photos of as many show participants as I could find
- A biography of Louis F. Gottschalk, the show's composer, detailing his high-profile career on Broadway and in Hollywood
- A biography of Fred Woodward, the actor who played Hank the Mule in The Tik-Tok Man of Oz and who, surprisingly, continued to play Hank the Mule for several decades afterward

Hungry Tiger Press will release all three books in late July 2023. I'll announce publication and a link to order the books. Look for those here!
Copyright © 2023 Eric Shanower. All rights reserved.